Paid Family Leave
The well-being of working families should be a top priority, and better paid family leave policies at the state and federal levels are crucial for achieving this. Adequate paid family leave allows individuals to care for their loved ones without financial strain. States can improve their policies by extending the duration of leave and expanding coverage to include a wider range of caregivers.
At the federal level, a national paid family leave insurance program funded through a modest payroll tax would establish a consistent standard and alleviate the burden on employers. Additionally, addressing wage replacement rates during leave is essential to ensure financial stability for families. We know that working Moms understand this struggle, we believe that if we elect more Moms to office, paid family leave policies with be prioritized.
States with no PFL laws
States with PFL laws, but programs are not yet active
States with active PFL laws

The federal Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA) guarantees most workers at companies with at least 50 employees access to unpaid, job-protected leave for parental, family caregiving, personal medical, and military exigency purposes. Some states have expanded job protection as part of their PFL program, while others have left it as is under FMLA.
Reproductive Healthcare Freedom
Ensuring reproductive health care freedom for women is essential for their autonomy and well-being. All people should have the right to make informed decisions about their bodies, including reproductive choices, without unnecessary barriers or judgment. To achieve this, both state and federal governments must take proactive steps.
At the state level, legislatures should work towards protecting and expanding access to comprehensive reproductive health care services, including contraception, safe and legal abortion, and maternal health care. This can be done by enacting laws that safeguard clinics from undue burdensome regulations and by providing funding for organizations that offer critical reproductive health services. On a federal level, it is crucial to safeguard women’s reproductive rights by codifying the protections guaranteed by the Supreme Court decision in Roe v. Wade.
Additionally, policymakers should repeal the harmful Hyde Amendment, which restricts access to abortion services for low-income women, and ensure that all women, regardless of their financial situation or geographic location, have affordable and comprehensive reproductive health care coverage. By electing more women into positions of power and taking these steps, we can secure reproductive health care freedom for women and uphold their fundamental rights to autonomy and bodily integrity.
Expanding Access to Affordable Childcare
Expanding access to affordable childcare is crucial to support working families and promote economic stability. Affordable and high-quality childcare enables parents to pursue their careers while providing their children with a safe and nurturing environment for early development. To achieve this, both state and federal governments must take proactive measures. At the state level, policymakers can increase funding for childcare subsidies to reduce the financial burden on low-income families.
Additionally, they can invest in expanding the availability of childcare facilities and promoting the professional development of childcare providers. On a federal level, policymakers should prioritize substantial funding for programs such as the Child Care and Development Block Grant, which provides financial assistance to eligible families. We need elected officials to work towards establishing a national standard for affordable childcare, ensuring that families across the country have access to reliable, high-quality care. By electing more Moms and implementing these action items, we can make significant strides in expanding access to affordable childcare, supporting working families, and fostering the healthy development of our children.
These are just a few of our top policy priorities at Moms Fed UP, these issues are personal to us and to so many. It’s crucial that we have voices at the table that have first hand experience and can approach these challenges with solutions that will actually help working families. After all, there’s a good reason for the age old saying, “mother knows best.”